Alisha Hussian

  • grocery story app, you can make a grocery list and go shopping, add things to your cart and add your credit card and purchase. Hook: 3.6/4
  • Nice hook, drew me in because the page had alot of color and the group had alot of enthusiuam. Knowlegde: 3.7/4
  • They were all able to explain all parts of the website Value: .5/1
  • Not very useful because its not a real shop, but if it could be then it would be very useful to shop from home. Wow Factor: .9/1
  • I really liked how it looked, they included nice images and actual prices. Very engaging to look at. Total: 8.7/10

Tanvi Pampati

  • A weather app that tells temperature wind speed and precipitation. Hook: 3.5/4
  • They seemed interested in their app, good try to lure people in. Knowledge: 3.6/4
  • They were all able to explain all parts of the app Value: 1/1 This is something many people would use Wow Factor: 0.9/1 Seemed very complex, with all the data. Seemed like alot of effort was put into it. Total: 9/10

Prakruti Bhatt

  • This was website that carried information all about country populations and languagues. Hook: 3.5/4 Their cover page seemed interesting and theyr seemed passionate. Knowledge: 3.5/4 Majority of everyone knew mostly eveyrthing about the site. Value:.8/1 This could potentially be useful, for travlers and such. Wow factor: .9/1 I think this is a good idea, it is really creative and overall has alot of potnetial. Total: 8.7/10