Overall Score: 61/67

I feel I have definatly improved my score from last trimester. I remeber taking a bunch of time and second guessing myself a lot. I did take a few rushed guesses in between but most of them went well. I feel that some specfific topics were easier for me than others, like binary, and the team teaches that we did recently. Some of the team teaches from last trimester were a little tougher like boolean expressions, and conditionals.


Q5 Inputs to logic circuit

  • I got this one wrong because D only has one input which causees the circuit output to be false. C, has second and gate input which is true, so this would cause the circut output to also be true.

Q6 Correctness of robot programs

  • For this question I chose program 2 and not program 1 and 2 which is the correct answer. As I was reviewing this question I noticed that program 1 would also work, though it would just need to get repeated more than 2 times. Around 2 and a half for the robot to get into the gray square.

Q11 Color represented by binary triplet

  • In this question we were supposed to pick the color that correponds with the binary RBG. I pick yellow, but the correct answer was ivory. I think I miscalulated the answer since yellow was 11111111, 11111111, 11100000, and ivory was 11111111, 11111111, 11110000.

Q13 Information determined by library system

  • When I reread this question I noticed first off the option I picked was wrong. I chose that the number of books borrowed would not be able to be determined though this is not right. I think the best way for thsi question would be process of elimination. The total number of books that were returned after the due date can be determined since it shows when it is due and wheather it was returned or not.

Q37 DrawLine on a coordinate grid

  • The answer that I picked for this question is wrong because the endpoints will not be in the right spot. Option A is correct because the loop that subtracts 2 from the end, makes sure that the endpoints are at the right spot.

Q53 Crowdsourced pet finder

  • For this one, I picked the option that seems the most effienct in finidng the pet, which is a location tracker. Though I missed the part that describes it as a crowdsourcing system. Thats why the best option would be the app that allows locals to post/report about missing pets, since this is more focused for local areas and uses the help of other people.

After reviewing the questions that I missed what I think I would do is make sure that I am able to fully read and understand what the question is asking. For the future, when practicing more questions I want to be able to find a good middle, where I dont run and I also don’t second guess my choices. For the specific topics I think are harder, I would make sure to watch the collegeboard videos or get the extra help I need. I would also rveiew teh material we learn about in class, like the team teaches, which definetly helped me learning the material.